Westacres 2023 Red Cross Blood Drive
The Westacres Blood Drive is on Sunday, October 1st from 10am-4pm, at the Clubhouse and we are in need of more donors!
Blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Your blood donation WILL make a difference!
What’s new this year: Because your time is (almost!) as valuable as your blood, we are working together with the Red Cross to make the entire donation process shorter.
SIGN UP ONLINE AT: tinyurl.com/26rr6tff
Please encourage your friends to donate, too!!
Co-chairs Melissa Brown and Sarah Bateman
Tips for Donating Blood
Bring a Friend !
Today’s tip is to ease your anxiety about donating. Many people are weary of needles. Bring a friend to support you while you’re donating and do the same for them while they give. Not everyone is able to give blood. If you’re medically available to give and the arm poke is what’s holding you back, bring a buddy!